There are the large animals like boars, elks and bears in the forests where will pass the race routes. Meeting with them is potentially dangerous.
Rangers and experienced hunters give their advices how to conduct yourself in this case:
All wild animals are afraid of the person and prefer to disappear at once as soon as hear and notice his approach.
They can be aggressive in the following circumstances: if the animal is wounded and pursued, if the animal thinks you as competitor on its prey or territory, if the animal protects the cubs and can't disappear with them from the appeared nearby person.
There are some total rules:
1. Passing through the forest especially with poor visibility talk loudly, sing, whistle or create a noise with help of any improvised subjects in order for the animals quietly will leave afar. Whenever possible avoid dense thickets and reserved places with possible animal’s bed.
2. If meeting with animal took place – be calm and make an assessment of the situation. If the animal sees you and doesn’t move, it’s likely he fell into a catatonic for fear. Generally during the next moment he will come round and run away. However it’s happened when the boars rushed not back but in direction which were turned (because of a panic) and rushed near the person without breaking no bones.
3. If the animal starts coming close to you or shows signs of aggression – by no means don't turn your back on him and don't try to run. It is absolutely hopeless. The elk can rush on the person only during estrus in temper when not has a clue and puts you down for the rival. The signs are low lowered horns and rooting the ground by a hoof. Leave the line of attack immediately, dodge behind a tree and so be covered from his attacks. After several unsuccessful attempts the elk will calm down and go away.
This way of protection is very effective against a boar too. Boar attacks rushing on a straight line and cannot change the direction when you stepped aside sharply. In this case a tree between you and boar will be good protection. More reliable way is to scale a tree if you can.
4. Often a loud shout, whistle, clap of palms, thrown stone can help to scare and put to flight the animal.
But growl and shriek will be perceived as your aggressive intention. It’s prohibited to look full in the face of animal too. It will provoke an aggression.
5. The most dangerous animal is she-bear particular if she is with cub and you are happened nigh at hand. If you find yourself between she-bear and cub the attack will be inevitable. In this case usually there is no time to undertake anything. But you can fall down keeping silent and not to move despite of any actions of the she-bear with you. She-bear will be convinced that you aren't dangerous and will go away. This situation is very rare but you have a chance of survival.
The rules of conduct at a meeting with a bear:
1. Be calm. Don't turn your back on him and don't try to run. At once start receding slowly backside, obliquely, keeping an eye open for a bear. Talk with bear calm and loud like this: Don’t care, I don’t want to hurt to you, I go away, see – I leave away.
2. If a bear sees you and doesn't go away it is possible he makes an assessment of the situation as well as you or simply examines you with curiosity: who is wander here? If a bear stands on hind legs it means he shows who is the owner here and try to frighten you and to force to recede. In summer time he doesn’t have any reason to eat you. Often sharp shout, whistle, thrown subject could put to flight a bear. Actually the most of bears are cowardly and any suddenness can frighten him. There are known the situations when a bear died from a heart failure owing to the fright. What can you do? For example, fly open clothing flaps, up your hands with backpack, stand shoulder to shoulder and flourish arms - in other words suddenly become bigger in size that means you are stronger. Do you have a whistle in your mandatory equipment? Don’t forget about it.
3. If a bear starts coming close to you, threw backpack or clothing to his direction and recede as it was stated above. He will stop surely to nuzzle and study the subject. So you will have additional time to do something. To scale a tree is a good decision because the adult bears can hardly climb up because of their heavy weight.
4. Pepper spray is very effective. But you should understand clear that it is necessary to press only when the distance between you and animal is already not more than 2 m! If you take it on the race route, it’s reasonable to buy a pair of spare sprays and try to use its prior the race (how to keep, to press, in which direction a jet goes). It’s recommended the following: "Ko FOG" - aerosol and "Ko JET" – jet spray. Jet spray spouts on further distance but you should strike right in the eyes that is very hard. Tamers use the aerosols.
In conclusion I can say it isn`t too bad. Many times in the forest I’ve met without any protection features with boars, elks and at last with she-bear and cub in Onega Lake district. The distance between me and she-bear with cub was 30 m. And as you can see I’m all in one piece. Go to the forest calm and carefully. We’ll meet at the race!
Vitaliy Chegarovskiy.